Category Archives: Uncategorized

First Post

Since this is my first post I thought I’d just putting something out here to make sure I’m doing it right, and to give you an idea about what I’ll be posting about.

As my name states (herethereaneverywhere), there are a lot of things that I’m passionate about, and so, instead of trying to follow just one passionate, I figure I’ll keep my options open.  Each time I post, it may be about a different subject, or it may be about the same.  It might come in short intervals or it might be evenly spaced out over the week(s).  The bottom line is I do not intend to limit myself to one area.  As a person, there’s not just one thing that defines me, but many.  I believe people should be discovered, ideas exchanged and the world explored.

And so, I invite you to come along with me as we get to know each other, converse and make the world a a smaller place.